The EPR Projectathon ...
... is an interoperability and conformity test marathon, similar to the IHE-Connectathon:
For five days, participants can test their own products live on site for interoperability and, if necessary, adapt them to the findings during the event. The EPR reference environment and the test descriptions are available in advance.
... is a practical test for the EPR implementation:
The results of tests with other participants, the central services of the Confederation and the EPR reference environment provide indications of one's own status with regard to EPR interoperability. Peer-to-peer tests and peer-to-reference environment tests show the interaction of the IT components. Group tests simulate use cases from the EPR, for example the opening of an EPR, rights management or cross-community queries.
... does not replace the certification of EPR communities:
The tests around EPR interoperability are voluntary and non-binding for all participants. The EPR Projectathon is an efficient tool, but not a guarantee for a successful certification. not an IHE-Europe Connectathon:
The EPR Projectathon focuses on EPR-specific configurations and clarifications of the IHE profiles - not on the underlying IHE standard profiles. These can be tested at the IHE-Europe Connectathon. At the EPR Projectathon, the simulators of the EPR Reference Environment are available for such basic tests. Unlike the IHE-Europe Connectathon, no test results will be published.
Internal link: More information about the EPR-Projectathon
Internal link: More information on the preparation steps
External link: More information about the IHE-Europe Connectathon